
On Earth, there are large landmasses. They are called continents. There are seven of them. They are Asia, Antarctica, Africa, and Australia. Did you notice that four of the names start with the letter "A"? North America, South America, and Europe are the last three.

Asia is the largest. It is more than twice as big as North America. Asia and Europe join together. They are sometimes called one continent named Eurasia. The Ural Mountains divide Asia from Europe. Europe and Asia are not separated by an ocean. Russia is a country in Eurasia. A large part of Russia is in Asia. But some of Russia is in Europe.

There are around forty different countries in Asia. Russia, China, and India are three large countries found in Asia. Asia is so large, it has twelve time zones. When the sun is setting on the western edge of Asia, it is rising in the east the next morning!

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