Blackfoot Raiders, Part 2

The buffalo grass was high around the horses' legs as the raiders began traveling the next morning along a river. They had to follow it for some distance before finding a place to cross.

This time Spotted Calf and Wind Flower were mounted together on a horse. The animal's lead rope was held by Walks-Under-the-Sun, the warrior who had captured Spotted Calf.

The raiders were in good spirits. They laughed and joked as they rode along the river bank. Spotted Calf made an effort not to show her thoughts. She and Wind Flower had been treated courteously. She was inclined to like these men with their smiles and enjoyment of the day. It was at odds with how she thought she should feel. These people had kidnapped her and stolen some of her family's horses. She should hate them! She would have to think about this.

It took three full days of constantly moving northwest before the raiders finally reached their village again. One raider rode ahead to the village to warn them of the raiders' triumphal return.

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