Budget Blues

Joy sighed. "I don't get any more paychecks this month," she told her friend Sam. "But I still have bills left to pay. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Sounds like you need to make a budget," Sam told her.

"What's a budget?" Joy asked.

"It's a way to keep track of your money so that you can pay all of your bills," Sam said.

"That's just what I need. Can you help me?" Joy asked.

"I'm not an expert," Sam told her, "but I made a budget for myself. So far, it's working. I can try to help you, too."

"That would be great!" Joy said excitedly.

Sam handed Joy a pencil and some paper. He told her to start writing down the names and all the amounts of the bills she had to pay each month. When she was done, Joy's list looked like this:

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