Butterscotch Pudding

Butterscotch Pudding

Reading Comprehension for September 19

After Mr. Dawson retired from teaching science class, he and his wife began to eat out for lunch. His favorite place was a buffet where he paid first and could then help himself to everything he wanted. That way they could eat and get home in time for TV science programs.

Though Mr. Dawson was retired, he still loved science. He watched the science shows to see if the information was correct. Sometimes the programs made mistakes. When they did, Mr. Dawson wrote letters to inform them of their errors. He did not like shoddy work or careless reporting.

After the couple enjoyed a healthy lunch, they went back to check out the dessert offerings.

The dessert bar at the Barefoot Buffet held an array of cakes, cookies, brownies, and puddings. Mr. Dawson loved pudding, and today there was his favorite -- butterscotch! Then he had an idea. He filled a small bowl with both chocolate and butterscotch pudding.

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