Carl the Worm Wrangler

"You're growing what?" Josh asked incredulously.

"Earthworms," said Carl. A smile crept onto his mouth. "You know, the little wrigglers you put on a hook to catch fish?"

"Yuck," said Josh, wrinkling his nose. "I don't know how you can stand to be around them, much less handle them. They're so slimy, and they're nasty looking, too."

"I'm not going to let a little bit of slime stop me," said Carl. "I think worms could be big business."

"Why would anyone care about worms?" asked Josh.

"Do you like to eat?" asked Carl.

"What kind of question is that?" Josh was perplexed. Was Carl trying to change the subject or just confuse him? He certainly wouldn't want to eat worms!

"Earthworms are great soil builders," said Carl. "You cannot grow food well if there aren't enough worms in the ground."

"How can worms affect plants?" said Josh.

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