Catch a Canary

Jan stared out the window. She watched the birds at the feeder.

There were many kinds of birds. Some were very small like purple finches. Some were larger like doves or cardinals.

There was a new bird at a feeder. It was yellow. It had black on its wings.

"Look, Mom," she said, "it is a new bird. It looks like Fred."

Mom came over and looked.

"Oh," she said, "it is a wild canary. It does look a little like our canary."

They watched the yellow bird a while. Then it flew off.

"I like that bird. I wish we could catch it and keep it," said Jan.

"That might be nice for us," said Mom. "But it would not be good for the bird. It has grown up being free. It would not like living in a small cage."

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