Cesar Chavez: Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner

Cesar Chavez fought for more than thirty years for farm workers' rights. He organized strikes and boycotts. He marched for hundreds of miles. He starved himself through hunger strikes. He even spent some time in jail. Cesar Chavez did all of this to try to help the thousands of people who spend long, tiring days working in fields all across the country. His efforts were not in vain. Cesar formed a union that bargained with produce growers. The union made sure that farm workers were paid a fair wage and were provided safe working conditions. Cesar Chavez died in 1993. He was only sixty-six years old. In 1994, Cesar Chavez and his great efforts were honored by the President of the United States. President Bill Clinton presented Cesar's widow, Helen, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It is the highest honor that any citizen can receive. .....

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