Christmas at the PHC

"Well, that's the last of the supplies. Everything is checked in and put away on the storage shelves," said Tim as he tapped the handheld computer screen and entered the data. "Once again, a job well done." Tim did a little dance, and a huge smile spread across his face as he looked over at Lori, who had been helping him with the shipment of new supplies.

"What is the matter with you?" Tim asked as he looked at Lori and noticed her sad expression. "I figured you would be really excited. This is the last week of school before Christmas vacation."

"Yeah, well, it's just another day, isn't it?" Lori said as she looked back at Tim. She saw the questioning expression on his face. "I just mean Christmas here on the PHC isn't the same as anywhere else, is it?"

"Well, nothing here is the same as anywhere else. That is just the way it is. But why is that bothering you now? You've always seemed to enjoy life here," said Tim.

Lori and Tim had lived on the PHC, or Permanent Human Colony, along with their families for some time now. The colony was located on the ocean floor. They went to school and helped out around the colony by doing odd jobs wherever they could. Tim's dad was the director of the facility, and Lori's parents were two of the best marine biologists in the world.

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