Flying to Gramma's House

Family Stories Month

Reading Comprehension for November 16

The plane's engines droned as Emily stared out the small, round window. "Mommy, aren't the clouds beautiful? Look, there's one that looks like a dolphin jumping in the ocean." Emily leaned back in her seat and pointed toward the cloud.

Mom leaned across the seat to look. "Yes, I see it. All the clouds are very pretty."

"I love flying to Gramma's house," said Emily as she continued gazing at the clouds. (When Emily was little, she couldn't say "Grandma." She began calling her grandmother "Gramma," and she has called her that ever since.)

Mom noticed the flight attendants were making their way down the aisle of the plane with a cart. She lowered a tray from the back of the seat in front of her to get ready for their arrival. "What is your favorite thing about Gramma's?" she asked.

Emily lowered her tray, too. She turned to face her mom and thought for a minute. "Her stories! Gramma tells the best stories."

"She sure does," said Mom. "I have always loved to hear her tell stories."

The flight attendant arrived at their seats. "Can I get you a drink or snack?" she asked.

Mom asked for a bottle of water. Emily asked for a cup of water and a bag of pretzels.

The attendant handed Mom a bottle of water and a napkin. Then she reached across to Emily and gave her a cup of water, a bag of pretzels, and a napkin. "Thank you," said Emily.

The flight attendant smiled and moved to the next row of seats. Then Mom asked, "Which story is your favorite?"

"I like all the ones about when she was a little girl," said Emily. "I guess my favorite is the one about playing hide and go seek with Great-Uncle Bob and Great-Aunt Betty."

"Why do you like that story best?" asked Mom as she took a sip of her water.

"Because they couldn't find Gramma when she hid between the hay bales in the barn!" said Emily, popping a pretzel into her mouth and crunching on the salty snack.

"I don't know if they ever found out where she hid," said Mom.

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