Groundhog Day Across the Country

Punxsutawney Phil is not the only groundhog that predicts the weather. Other weather predicting groundhogs include Dunkirk Dave, Shubenacadie Sam, Wiarton Willie, General Beauregard Lee, Peewee the Woodchuck, and Staten Island Chuck.

Balzac Billy, also known as the Prairie Prognosticator, lives in a town called Balzac in Alberta, Canada. Unlike other Groundhog Day predictors, Balzac Billy is a man in a costume. A groundhog named General Beauregard Lee makes his home at the Yellow River Game Ranch in Lilburn, Georgia.

The Staten Island Zoo in New York City is home to groundhog Staten Island Chuck. He appears each year bright and early on February 2 to make his prediction, followed by a hearty fundraising breakfast with Chuck as the honored guest.

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