Hammerhead Sharks

Hammerhead sharks are strange-looking fish! They get their name from the shape of their heads. Their thin, wide heads look a little like the head of a hammer. Their eyes are spaced far apart - one on each side of their head. This helps the sharks to see more of what is around them. Their strange heads also help them to find food. A hammerhead shark's flat, wide head has many sensors in it. The sensors detect electrical signals that are given off by other living things. This shark really uses its head!

Hammerhead sharks eat many things. They eat fish, crabs, lobsters, and squid. A hammerhead's favorite food, though, is stingrays. The shark can find stingrays buried under the sand on the ocean floor. A hammerhead finds the stingrays using the sensors in its head. Once it has found a stingray, it uses its wide, flat head to pin the stingray down. This is something that other sharks cannot do.

Hammerhead sharks can be seen all over the world. The live where the water is mild, not too hot or too cold. Most hammerheads live close to shorelines. Most hammerheads are small sharks. They are not dangerous. They will not harm people. Some people even swim in the water with these sharks.

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