
"Mr. Reed, what does harmony mean?" Eric asked. Eric was reading a book about music. He loved music. He liked to listen to all kinds of music. He liked to play his guitar. Someday he would like to be in a band.

Eric's teacher said, "Eric, harmony is when musical notes are combined to make a beautiful sound. It also means when people get along well with each other. If notes don't get along, there is no harmony. It sounds like the notes are fighting." Mr. Reed smiled. "Notes and people should try for harmony."

Eric took the book home with him. After he finished his homework, he went outside. He found a shady place. Then he sat down to read the book. Soon he lay down in the grass. There was a cool breeze. It was quiet. Eric's eyes started getting heavy. He dropped his book and fell fast asleep.

. . . . .

"No, I'm not!" someone shouted.

"Yes, you are," someone else called out.

"Am not!"

"Are, too!"

"Am not!"

"Boys, boys!" another voice said. "Please, please try to listen to me."

"Why should I listen to you? You are always tooting your own horn. You think you know everything!"

Eric blinked his eyes and looked around. He was in the middle of a stage. There were instruments all around him. They were shouting at each other. No one was listening. Each one was making his own noise.

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