I Hate My Life! Part 2

"It's just not fair, Dan! I don't want to go on vacation with them. The whole family thing . . . I'm too old for that!" Mark was talking to his best friend.

"Well, I don't know," Dan began. "It would be better than sitting around here all summer."

"That's just the problem," Mark continued. "I won't be sitting around. If I stay home, I have to get a job!"

"So, what's the problem?" his friend asked. "Don't you want to have some extra money? I thought you wanted a car."

"Well, I do, but I thought Dad and Mom might give me a car for my birthday. It's in September, and then I could drive myself back and forth to school," Mark explained.

"Yeah, right," Dan said. "After you told them you hate being around them, you hate their vacation, and you hate your life. Do you really expect them to buy a car for you after that?"

Mark didn't answer his friend right away. He bounced the basketball while he thought. "I guess I was pretty hard on them," he said finally.

"D'oh," Dan said. "You think?"

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