Is it Okay to Argue?

Once upon a time there were two boys named Mike and Mark. The boys were best friends. These two friends did everything together. They rode bikes down twisty trails. They stomped and splashed in mud puddles after summer thunderstorms. They had sleepovers and campouts and told scary stories late at night. They were inseparable. One day Mike wanted to ride bikes, but Mark wanted to run races. Suddenly these best buddies were in a big fight. Both headed home angry, frustrated, and hurt.

Mike and Mark are a lot like you and me. They are great friends, but they are two different people. Different people like different things. Sometimes, differences lead to arguments. Is it okay to argue? It can be, if you do it the right way. When two people argue, it does not mean that they are not friends. It just means that they have different ideas.

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