It's Super Sockeye!

It's a saltwater fish. No, it's a freshwater fish. Wait! It's both! It's super sockeye! Did you know that sockeye salmon can live in the salty seawater of the ocean and in freshwater streams and rivers? It's true. They are one of the few species of fish that are able to live in both places.

Sockeye, and other types of salmon, hatch from eggs laid in freshwater. Sockeye begin life as hatchlings. Then as baby fish, or fry, they live and grow in freshwater streams. After one to three years they have grown enough to make a big trip. The fish swim towards the ocean. As they swim downstream, their bodies undergo several changes that allow them to survive in saltwater. Adult sockeye live and swim in the ocean for a few years.

After a while, it is time for these fish make another trip. Believe it or not, these super salmon can find the far away freshwater stream where .....

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