Jake and Jackie Nurture a Nature Trail

The trail in the woods near the park was in sad shape. Several years ago, a local boys and girls club had adopted the patch of woods and created a nature trail. The group researched the trees and plants located there. They put up signs and information about each one. They created a map and a bulletin board to show the trail's entrance and exit.

For a few years, the trail remained usable. But as the kids in the club grew up and left to do other things, the trail became neglected. Leaves and pine needles covered the trail. Ice storms caused limbs to fall and block the trail, and poisonous plants grew in abundance. People dropped trash in the woods.

One day, Jake and Jackie were playing catch with their dads at the park. Jake's dad said, "Hey, I remember that trail over there. The company I worked for provided food and water for the boys, girls, and adults who cleaned it up. I wonder what it looks like now?"

Jake and Jackie and their dads walked over to the edge of the woods. They began to walk down the trail but soon stopped.

"Wow," Jake's dad said. "This is in really sorry shape. What a shame!"

"Why don't we do something about it?" asked Jake.

Jake's dad stroked his chin.

"I suppose we could organize a clean up day," he said.

"Let's do it!" Jackie's dad agreed.

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