Jean Studies for His Citizenship Test, Part 1

Jean is studying for his citizenship test. His friend Rob is helping him. Today, they are studying the early government of the U.S.

"How much do you know about your government?" Jean challenged his friend Rob.

"Well, I learned about it in history class," Rob replied.

"I'm going to quiz you," Jean said. "This will help me to study for my citizenship test."

"Okay, ask me some questions," Rob said.

"What did the Declaration of Independence do?" Jean asked.

"The Declaration of Independence said that we were free from British rule. The writers told Great Britain that all men were created equal. They said that all men were born with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The writers went on to say that if a government can't protect these rights, the people should get rid of that government. They should begin a new government," said Rob.

"Wow, that's a powerful statement," Jean said.

"That was the beginning of our new nation, the United States of America," Rob explained. "After that, we began to govern ourselves."

"That's cool," Jean said. "Let's go on; we'll see how much you know about the Constitution, which is called the supreme law of the land."

"What are the first three words of the Constitution?" Jean asked.

"We the people," Rob replied. "These words explain that the government is run by ordinary people. You don't have to be born into royalty; any citizen can run for a government office."

"But what exactly does the Constitution do?" Jean asked.

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