Keeping Your Goals in Sight

Jim was now a freshman in high school. He had almost failed eighth grade. His counselor had helped him to set some long and short term goals. This is what saved him. He made a plan for doing better. He stuck to it. He was still not a straight-"A" student. But he made it through.

At the beginning of the year, Jim had set new goals. He had learned some study skills. He had also learned to study according to his learning style. This is what helped him get through eighth grade. Jim felt he would be able to make Bs in all his classes except for math and science. It would be realistic to make "C's" in those classes. Those were Jim's long-term goals for this school year.

In order to achieve these goals, Jim formulated some short-term goals. These were things he could do every day or every week to help him along his way to better grades. He decided to write a summary of his notes every night. Another short-term goal was to study each subject at least ten minutes every night. He would complete every homework assignment. He promised himself he would participate more in every class. Staying after school twice a week for extra help in science and math would help him in those classes. He felt he was on his way to "B's" and "C's."

Now it was the middle of the first term. Jim was meeting most of his short-term goals, or so he thought. But it was really hard work. His grade in math was a "D" and his other subjects were "C's." He felt like giving up. But his mom was so proud of him for not failing eighth grade. She had confidence that he would be able to get through high school. Jim didn't want to disappoint her or himself. He decided to go see his counselor again.

"Jim," Mr. Allen greeted him, "it's good to see you. Congratulations on getting through eighth grade. You really worked hard. How do you like high school?"

"I really like the freedom we have to choose some of our classes. And I like that different teachers teach the same subjects. Of course, going out to lunch is awesome," Jim replied.

"So how are you doing this year so far?" Mr. Allen asked. "I know you set some goals; are you able to achieve them?"

"That's why I'm here," Jim said. "I am not doing as well as I had hoped. Sometimes I feel like quitting. But I don't want to disappoint my mom. She was so happy at graduation last year."

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