Keith Interviews Chad, the Blue Whale

"Good morning, boys and girls. I'm Keith Trace, host of Amazing Animals. Today's guest is really someone special. He's the biggest guest we've ever had. When I say biggest, I really mean the biggest. We have a much bigger chair here for this one. His name is Chad, and he's a blue whale. Good morning, Chad."

"Morning, Keith. Thanks for the big chair. When you're as big as I am, it is hard to find comfortable seating."

"I bet. You're enormous, Chad. And I mean that in a good way."

"Thanks. You're right that I'm huge. I weigh 353,000 pounds, about average for a blue whale. Some of us weigh up to 400,000 pounds."

"Holy smokes, Chad, that's a lot. What is something we can compare that to?"

"Elephants weigh about 7,100 pounds, so if you do the math, that means I weigh as much as 50 elephants. Keith, you look like an average adult, which means I weigh 1,860 times more than you."

"Are there any animals bigger than you?"

"No, there aren't. In fact, there has never been an animal bigger than I am. Even the biggest dinosaurs were smaller."

"I guess a guy like you eats a lot. What do you like? Steaks? Burgers? Entire restaurants?"

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