Lewis Carroll

Alice falls down, down, down the rabbit hole while she is following the white rabbit who was late for an important tea party. She lands at the bottom in a strange and magical world. She must be wondering how in the world she got there. The answer to that question is an easy one - Lewis Carroll put her there, straight from his imagination and into the pages of one of the most popular children's books ever.

In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice's fall down the rabbit hole is just the beginning. What she finds in this new world is even more fantastic. She finds bottles labeled "Drink me," and when she does, she grows smaller. She finds cakes labeled "Eat me," and when she does, she grows taller.

When she is invited to the tea party, she meets some most unusual characters including the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and Dormouse.

Lewis Carroll came up with more interesting events for Alice to participate in, too, and at each new event, she meets more fantastic creatures. While visiting the rose garden, she meets the playing cards, some of whom are very busy at work painting the roses red. She joins in a game of croquet. In this game, the mallet is a flamingo and the ball is a hedgehog. She attends a trial in which the King of Hearts is accused of stealing tarts.

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