
We are so fortunate to live here in London. There is always something to do, and I do believe that all of the interesting people live here. I would not wish to live anywhere else.

Some people do complain that it is noisy here, and, yes, the city does frequently have a disagreeable smell. Still, I would never want to leave.

One of the best things about our life here in the city is having so many of our friends and acquaintances nearby. Many afternoons we put on our bonnets and go calling at the home of a friend or a relative. Other afternoons we stay at home and enjoy the company of anyone who comes to call on us.

Sometimes we plan special entertainments at home. We may have pianoforte music in the drawing room. Or we may plan a small party with games like "shadows." When we play shadows, we disguise our looks and then use a light to project our shadows onto the wall. Our friends try to guess our identities from our shadows.

Occasionally, we plan a formal entertainment like a dinner party or a ball. Balls are a great favorite because dancing is a quick and enjoyable way to meet other young people. Of course, we must first be introduced, but at dances introductions are less formal than usual. Just a quick word from a relative, and we are free to dance. After the ball, we look over our dance cards and talk about the young men with whom we danced.

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