Looking at Earth from Space

Earth is the planet where we live. A planet is a large object that orbits, or moves around, a star. Our star is called the sun.

What do you know about our planet Earth? Look at the picture on this page. This picture was taken 22,000 miles away from Earth! If you were visiting Earth from another planet, this might be your first look at Earth. Even from so far away, you can learn things about our planet.

The first thing you might see is the pretty blue color. Earth is special. It has water. That is what makes it look blue. Some people call Earth "the blue planet." It is the only planet we know about that has liquid water. Almost three-fourths of Earth's surface is water. We call these large areas of salty water oceans.

You might say that Earth has one large world ocean. But long ago, people only knew about the ocean next to where they lived. People gave the ocean different names. Today we say there are five named oceans. But they all join together.

The next thing you might see is big areas of brown and green. There are continents. A continent is a large area of land. Sometimes they are called landmasses.

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