Musical Doctor Virginia Apgar

Virginia Apgar was born on June 7, 1909. As a child, Virginia loved music. She played the cello. She played the violin. Virginia knew what she wanted to be. Growing up, both of her brothers were sick. Her father loved science. Some say that may be why she wanted to become a doctor. She worked hard. She did not give up. She did become a doctor. She was best known for her work with babies.

Virginia went to college in 1925. She did not have a lot of money. She worked different jobs. One job was to catch cats. Virginia was smart. She earned awards of money. She used the money for school. She graduated in 1929.

Virginia went back to school. She finished medical school four years later. She was fourth in her class. She trained to be a surgeon. A surgeon operates on people. At the time, most surgeons were men. Virginia was told that she would not be able to support herself. She did not become a surgeon after all.

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