Mystery of the Missing Birthday

Five-year-old Ben was visiting Grandma, and they had spent a happy summer afternoon looking at old photographs and eating popcorn. Grandma went to the kitchen for a moment to get some lemonade for them to drink. When she came back, Ben was very upset.

"Grandma, my birthday is missing!" cried Ben.

"What do you mean? Your birthday is your own special day. It can't go away," said Grandma. She did not know how Ben could think his birthday was gone.

Ben pointed to a table beside the sofa. On the table was a lamp. Next to the lamp was a photo album. A small calendar was also on the table. Ben kept crying harder and harder until he could not say a word. His face was red. His eyes were red.

Poor Grandma! She picked up the photo album and opened it. She found a picture of Ben when he was a tiny baby. She pointed to his fat tummy.

"This picture was taken right after you were born. Your birthday was a wonderful day," said Grandma. She was hoping this picture would help Ben.

"No, no, no!" said Ben. "My birthday is gone."

Poor Grandma!

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