Note A Republic

Notary Public Day

Reading Comprehension for November 7

"Hey, Nathan. It's Notary Public Day!" Anna said as she got into the car. Anna, Nathan, and Bobby rode to school together with Bobby's mom. Bobby always sat quietly in the front seat, studying. Anna and Nathan usually chatted about something unrelated to school.

"Note a Republic? Okay, how about the Dominican Republic, or the United States, since, technically, it is a republic," Nathan answered.

"No, goofy. I said NOTARY public."

"Notary public?" asked Nathan. "What in the world is that?"

"Actually, I'm not sure," Anna replied. "My mom is one. I think they stamp things."

"Stamp things? Like bugs?"

Anna rolled her eyes. Nathan's sense of humor was crazy sometimes.

"No. They stamp important documents with a special seal."


"I don't know!" replied Anna in frustration. "Forget I even mentioned it!"

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