Properties of Light

Light is one form of energy that travels in electromagnetic waves. This energy is both magnetic and electrical.

There are many different types of electromagnetic (EM) waves. Most of them cannot be seen by humans. Our eyes see only a small portion of EM waves called visible light. Visible light is made up of different colors. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The colors are due to the different wavelengths of light. The longer the wavelength, the less energy the wave has. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy it has. The longest wavelength of visible light looks red to us. The shortest wavelength of visible light looks violet to us.

Here are some properties of light:

Light travels out in all directions from its source. What are some sources of light? The sun is our main source of light on Earth. Some other sources are other stars and fire.

Light is made of little particles called photons. A photon is the smallest possible particle of electromagnetic radiation. These particles travel in waves.

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