Shoots and Roots

Caption: In this picture you can see a dark seed that has sprouted. It has many roots already. The sprout has been laid sideways to take the picture. You can see roots on the right side of the picture. The shoot is growing towards the left.

Seeds can be small. Seeds can be big. Seeds can be long and skinny. Seeds can be short and fat. No matter what they look like, all seeds have some things in common. What do you know about seeds?

Seeds hold a secret inside! Inside every seed is a tiny new plant. Every seed has a tough outer seed coat. This keeps the seed from drying out. Food is stored inside seeds. The food is for the new baby plant until it can make its own food. The tough seed coat protects the seed. When the time is right, the seed will sprout. If it sprouts in a place that has everything it needs, a new plant will grow. Some seeds can wait many years before they sprout.

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