Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar

Reading Comprehension for July 24

Do you have a hero? Is it someone you know -- maybe a family member or a friend? The word 'hero' means different things to different people. Generally, though, a hero is someone who does something spectacular. A hero is someone people look up to. Heroes can be found anywhere - in the movies, at school, and among family and friends. In South America, there is a hero that many people know. His name is Simon Bolivar.

Simon Bolivar is a hero for what he did many years ago. With the help of friends and countrymen, Simon Bolivar became one of the most important figures in South American history. He liberated many South American countries. Simon Bolivar helped drive the Europeans out of South America. He helped give many South Americans independence.

Simon Bolivar was born Simon Jose Antonio de la Santisima Trinidad Bolivar on July 24, 1783, in Caracas, Venezuela. Simon's parents were well off, so he received a good education. He learned lots of philosophy and became a very smart young man. When he was 9, Simon's parents died, and he was sent to live with his uncle. At the time, Spain ruled Venezuela and much of South America.

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