Squish! The Best Free Present

Squish! Tricia hugged her stuffed bear. She loved to give hugs. She hugged her puppy...sometimes too hard. She hugged her mom. Tricia loved to give hugs!

"Tricia, Grandma's here!" called Mom.

Grandma was a soft, muffin-like woman. She always smelled like cookie dough. She even looked a little bit like a muffin. She had a round, puffy face and black raisin-like eyes. Tricia ran up to Grandma. She was very happy to see her.

"Hi Grandma," said Tricia.

"Hi, Sweetie," said Grandma.

Squish! Tricia hugged Grandma. Grandma was soft and easy to hug. Mom hugged Grandma, too.

"Happy birthday!" said Mom to Grandma.

"Thank you, dear. I am happy to spend my day with both of you. Tricia, did you know that I am now 83 years young?" joked Grandma.

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