Sweets for My Sweet

Sweets for My Sweet

Reading Comprehension for October 21

Happy Sweetest Day! Sweetest Day started in 1921. It began in Cleveland, Ohio. Herbert Birch Kingston had an idea. He worked for a candy company. He knew candy made people happy. He wanted people without homes to be happy. He wanted people without families to be happy. Herbert gave away candy. People smiled!

The first Sweetest Day was on October 8, 1921. Candy was given. Ann Pennington was a movie star. She gave away 2,200 boxes of candy. She gave newspaper boys the candy. It was a thank you for doing a good job. Theda Bara was another movie star. She gave away 10,000 boxes of candy. She gave the candy to people in hospitals. She gave candy to people who came to her movies.

Now, Sweetest Day is about love. It is a time to say thank you to friends. It is a big deal in the Midwest. Ohio is the state that sells the most gifts on this day.

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