TV Ads: Fiction or Nonfiction?

Look out! You are a target! It's true; you are the target of many ads. Advertisers send TV ads aimed at you in your home. You'll see more on the Internet. You see billboard ads when you walk down the street or ride in a car. You probably see as many as 40,000 ads a year!

Thirty years ago, parents were mostly the targets of advertising. Now, ads are often aimed directly at kids. The ads try to make you think you need whatever product they are selling. (Remember the difference between need and want?) They want you to think their products will make your life better. They want you to think their products will make you fit in and be more popular. They may even try to make you think you can't be happy without their product!

Why are kids the targets of advertisers? When you go to the grocery store with your mom, do you ask for certain items? Do you ask for certain clothes, toys, or books? You, and kids like you, influence parents to purchase certain products. That makes you a target!

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