Thanksgiving Dinner

When you think of Thanksgiving dinner, what do you think of? Turkey? Cranberry sauce? Mashed potatoes? Dressing? Pumpkin pie? These are the things that most of us eat for Thanksgiving. Did you know that none of these foods, except for wild turkey, were eaten during the first Thanksgiving? The Pilgrims did not have potatoes. They had cranberries but no sugar to sweeten them. This means no cranberry sauce. There were no pies, cakes, or cookies.

What did they eat at the first Thanksgiving? We do know that the Pilgrims and their Indian friends feasted on meat. They ate the meat of deer and wild birds that they had hunted. We can only guess about what else was served. They may have eaten seafood. Fish, clams, eels, and lobster were easy for them to catch from the ocean. .....

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