The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part Three

Anna and Ben decided to leave the hospital since they could not find out any more about Professor Bean's condition. They wondered where the professor kept his notebooks full of research. Since the professor was unconscious, no one could ask him anything. The two students felt discouraged. How could they help the professor get his research ready for consideration for the Golden Medal of Science award now?

The only shred of information they had was the short phrase he had uttered right before he lost consciousness. Anna and Ben talked and talked about what he might have meant when he mentioned a fifth window in connection to his work.

"It would make sense that his work was somewhere either in or near his office," said Anna. She had a logical mind and liked to talk about things.

"Yes, but what could a fifth window have to do with a hiding place? That doesn't make any sense," said Ben, puzzled. He ran his hand through his shaggy hair.

"Maybe we should go by his office and look at the windows anyway. We could then walk around the house and look at the windows from the outside," suggested Anna.

"OK, sounds good. We can walk from here," said Ben. He never liked to drive anywhere if he could walk.

The day was clear and warm, with a hint of spring in the air. Fresh dabs of green had appeared on the brown, winter-worn tree branches. The sky was clear and pale blue. It was a perfect day for a walk.

The two students walked along briskly. Professor Bean and several other professors had offices in the old house, which was owned by the university. The old Victorian house had forest green shingles, and its windows had pink-and-white trim. Its new color scheme reminded Anna of a green gingerbread house trimmed with peppermint sticks. It looked simply delicious!

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