The Sense of Taste: Mmm!

The sense of taste might be the most enjoyable of the five senses. It turns the chore of eating into a joy! You taste the food that you put in your mouth using taste buds that cover your tongue. If you look closely at your tongue, you will see that it is not smooth. It is covered with tiny bumps. Inside most of them are taste buds. You have about ten thousand of them! Taste buds can only sense a few tastes: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. A new taste, called umami (OO-maw-me), has just been discovered. Umami is a meaty or savory taste.

Your taste buds can only sense five different tastes. How is it that so many foods have so many different flavors? The answer is in your nose. Your sense of smell allows you to sense most of the flavor of a food. As much of ninety percent of what you taste actually comes from your sense of smell! This is why your food doesn't taste as good when .....

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