Velma Bronn Johnston - Wild Horse Annie

Wild horses used to gallop over the western hills and grasslands in great herds. After World War II, wild horses and burros were captured by the thousands and made into pet food. Velma Bronn Johnston didn't like it one little bit.

Velma Bronn was born March 5, 1912, in Reno, Nevada. She was an animal lover from the time she was a small child. Horses were still the main mode of transportation for many families. Velma had plenty of experience around animals growing up on the family's Double Lazy Heart Ranch.

At the age of eleven, Velma contracted polio. She had to be in a body cast for six months. As a result of the polio, she developed a limp. She coped with this disability by working hard in school. She spent most of her free time with the animals on the ranch.

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