Walter Dean Myers: Urban Storyteller

Walter Dean Myers is an amazing writer who writes stories about urban life. He is African American and grew up in Harlem in New York City. He knows what that life is like. The characters in his stories face serious problems like gangs, drugs, and violence. Some have trouble in school. Some drop out. He tries to make his stories just like real life.

Walter Dean Myers may be a famous author, but he hasn't had an easy life. He was born in West Virginia in 1937. He was named Walter Milton Myers. When he was only two years old, his mother died. Walter was put in foster care. He was sent to Harlem, a tough neighborhood in New York City. He went there to live with Herbert and Florence Dean. Herbert was African American. Florence was Native American and German.

Walter was sent to a difficult neighborhood, but he was surrounded by people who loved and cared for him. Walter described Florence Dean as someone who "was wonderful" and loved him "very much." Even though she was barely able to read, she taught Walter to read as a young child. This was the beginning of his love of reading and writing. The Deans also had many neighbors that they counted on. They all worked together to keep an eye on each other's children. The Deans also belonged to a church, which was like a second family to Walter. Growing up, Walter had plenty of opportunities to get into trouble. He credits his family, his neighborhood, and his church for keeping him in line.

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