Weather - Choosing the Perfect Outfit!

I am looking out the window as I eat breakfast. The sun is brightly shining. The sky is perfectly clear. I wonder what I am going to wear to school today. I make a choice about what I wear every day. Some days my mom checks the weather on the computer. On other days we watch the morning news to hear what the weather reporter or meteorologist predicts. What I wear is important. I do not want to wear a sweatshirt if it will be hot outside. That would make me sweat all day. I do not want to wear shorts if it is going to be chilly outside. I would shiver all day. Each morning I try to find the perfect combination of clothes so I do not get too hot or too cold.

I finish my breakfast and take my bowl to the sink. Then I open the back door and step outside. The wind catches my hair. The sun hits my face. The temperature is just a tad .....

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