What's a Map?

A map is a drawing or a diagram of a place. The place might be a country. It might be a park or zoo. It might be the whole world. Maps show you where things are. A map is like a picture taken from the sky up above the place. Maps can help you find your way in a strange place.

There are different kinds of maps. A street map shows you all the streets and roads in a city or town. A subway map shows you where subway trains go. A floor plan is a map of rooms in a building. Your classroom may have a map showing exits to use in case of a fire. Weather reporters use maps to show the weather in a place.

Each map should have a title. The title tells you what the map shows. A map of the San Diego Zoo would have that name for the title. A map of the city of Denver would show you Denver's city streets. The title would be Denver Street Map. A map of Maine would have that as its title. People use different kinds of maps for different needs.

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