Where's Robbie? Chapter 4

After talking to Mr. Adams, Robbie's worried friends went back to classes. At the end of the day, there was no news about Robbie. The police had come to school and asked some of the students about where Robbie might be.

Marisa and Josie walked home together again. "Do you think Robbie is okay?" Josie asked.

"I don't know, Josie," Marisa said. "I hope he is. He hasn't done anything like this before. I ran away from home once when I was six years old. I got as far as the park. I stayed there for about fifteen minutes, then went home. Robbie hasn't even done that."

"He just has to be alright!" Josie said.

The girls had gone from being worried to being scared. They didn't want to think about what might have happened to Robbie. They talked about their classes, the football game, semester exams, and anything that would keep them from having time to think too much.

When they got to Josie's house, Josie said, "Call me later. Let me know if your father knows anything new when he gets home."


When Marisa got home, she changed clothes and sat down to do her homework. She sat at the kitchen table for a long time. She had to write a short poem and do some algebra problems. She wrote her name on a sheet of notebook paper. She started thinking about Robbie and didn't even hear her father come in the door.

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