Who Was First?

Who was the first man from Europe to come to the New World? Christopher Columbus? No, he didn't come until 1492. Leif Eriksson was the first. He came long before Columbus.

Leif Eriksson was from Iceland. He was the son of Erik the Red. (Leif was Erik's son. That gave him his last name.) Leif did not grow up with his family. He was a Viking. Vikings believed that sons should leave home at eight years old. The boys were sent to live with a tutor. Leif's tutor taught him reading and writing. He taught Leif new languages and how to trade. Leif learned to use weapons. He learned history from the old sagas (stories). He watched ships come into the harbor.

When he was twelve, Leif went back to his home. Soon after, his father got into a fight. The family had to leave Iceland. His father took the family to Greenland.

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