Winter Kitten, Part 2

As Mrs. Parker got the tea ready, Dr. McCrae pulled a book from his case and consulted it. He ran his finger down one page and nodded. Then he prepared a bottle of medicine and gave Emma the first dose. Then the doctor turned to Mrs. Parker and gave directions for how and when to give it to Emma until it was all gone.

Jim Parker came in from the barn as Dr. McCrae was starting to sip his tea. He saw the kitten but said nothing. It seemed to him that Emma already looked a little better. If an animal could do that, he could tolerate it in the house.

The doctor took his time drinking the tea. The honey-sweetened liquid gave him energy, and he still had another call to make.

Before he left he checked Emma again and nodded. The girl seemed brighter as she petted the loudly purring kitty. He smiled and assured her parents she would soon be well. He tucked his book and instruments back in his bag.

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