Young Ben Franklin

Most everyone has heard about Benjamin Franklin. He played a major role in the independence of the United States. He invented bifocals, the Franklin stove, and dabbled in electricity. But what was young Ben Franklin like? What made him the man he became?

Ben was born into a very large household. His father, Josiah, made candles and soap for a living. He was married twice. He had seven children with his first wife. And by most accounts, he had ten children with his second wife. Ben was one of the younger children. He grew up in a loud, but loving, household. Ben's parents were Puritans.

Most people think of Puritans as being very stern, strict people. Ben's family was very religious. But they knew how to laugh and have a good time, too. It was Josiah Franklin's wish that Ben become a Puritan minister. It was customary for at least one male son in a Puritan family to become a minister. This brought pride and honor to the boy's family. Ben was sent to South Grammar School for the purpose of being educated enough to follow his father's plan.

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