1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Reading Comprehension for November 1

What has 132 rooms? What has 412 doors? What has 3 elevators? What has a swimming pool and a movie theater? The answer is the White House.

The White House is where the president lives. It is in Washington, D.C. George Washington picked the place to build the house. He helped plan what it would look like. He picked the builder. Building started in October 1792. It was done on November 1, 1800. George Washington never lived in it. It was done after he was president. John Adams was president when it was finished.

President Adams and his wife moved in. They only lived there a few months. Thomas Jefferson became president. He was the first president to have a party in the house. He was the first to open up the house to people. They could take tours. The tour was free. The house has been open to people since then. It has only been closed a few times. One of them was during World War II.

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