4-H National Youth Science Day

Every year, October 8 is an exciting day! October 8 is 4-H National Youth Science Day. The goal is to interest kids in science, engineering, and technology.

4-H is a group for kids ages 5-19. 4-H has more than six million members! 4-H got its start more than one hundred years ago. At that time, its goals were to help kids connect what they were learning in school to rural life. The rural youth programs of 4-H were also a way to take new agricultural technology to adults. Researchers saw that adults did not accept new technology easily. Kids were introduced to it, and the adults accepted it after seeing the kids' success.

Although 4-H had its start as an agricultural rural program, today it focuses on citizenship, healthy living, and science, engineering, and technology programs. To help with that goal, on October 8, 2008, 4-H launched the first annual 4-H National Youth Science Day. The science activity for that day focused on the environment. It used scientific principles to teach youth across the nation about water conservation.

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