A Brachiosaurus Rain Storm

"I'm hot and thirsty, Dad. Could we get a drink now?" young Dean asked his father.

"I know, Son," said the older dinosaur. "I'm thirsty, too. If it doesn't rain soon, I think we will need to move away from this place. There is only a little water left in the great watering hole. Soon there will be nothing but mud."

The family of brachiosaurs lived in this valley for as long as anyone could remember. Life used to be very good here for all of the dinosaurs, but it had been a very long time since rain had come to the valley. Food was getting hard to find, too. Most of the low-growing vegetation had been gone for a long time.

Many of the other dinosaurs had left this valley to find food and water in other places, but word had come back that it was not much better in the neighboring valleys.

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