A Sour Mood

Sourest Day

Reading Comprehension for October 25

Maria pulled off her jacket with a huff and threw it at the coat rack. She dropped her backpack on the floor with a thud and stomped through the kitchen. She passed her mom without a greeting, plodded noisily over to the refrigerator and forcefully opened the door. Mom could see her long blonde ponytail swinging back and forth and hear her muttering something under her breath.

"My goodness," said Mom, "you're in a sour mood this afternoon."

Maria peeked around the refrigerator door at Mom with a grimace. "No, I'm not!" she cried.

"Then why are you stomping all over the house?"

Maria turned back to look in the refrigerator. "I don't know."

"Maria, 'I don't know' is not an answer. There has to be some reason for your sour mood."

Maria slammed the refrigerator door shut. "I just had a bad day, that's all. Why is there never anything good to have for a snack?"

"There are plenty of good snacks in the refrigerator and in the pantry. You're just in such a sour mood that you can't see them. Now, I want you to tell me what happened. You were in such a good mood this morning."

Maria sat at the counter and put her chin in her hands. "I don't know if I want to."

Mom put her hands on her hips. "You don't have a choice."

"Oh, all right!" said Maria. "I may as well relive the worst day of my life."

Mom grinned. "Start with this morning and tell me what happened."

"It started when Jamie sat with Manuel on the bus this morning. Then, she ate lunch with him. I had to sit alone both times. I felt like everyone was looking at me. And they had ham sandwiches on wheat bread for HOT lunch today! I hate ham sandwiches, especially on wheat bread. Can you believe it? Later in math class, we had a pop quiz. I did really badly; I just know it. I wasn't ready for it! Somebody bumped into me in the hall, and my books and papers flew everywhere! On the bus ride home, Jamie sat with Manuel again. She didn't talk to me all day. Oh, yeah, and I ruined my new shoes when I stepped on a piece of gum on the sidewalk. Today was just awful. I want to go to bed and forget this day ever happened!" Maria put her head down on the counter and stretched her arms out in front of her.

Mom sighed deeply. "You did have quite a few things go wrong today. I'm sorry that Jamie ignored you today. I'm sure there is a good reason."

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