A Tie Story

National Tie Month

Reading Comprehension for December 14

Colin and Johanna stood at the store's tie display. There were ties of every color and pattern imaginable. Colin favored the tie that looked like a rainbow trout hanging around a man's neck. Johanna liked one that featured bottles of hot sauce on a black background.

"I don't think that Uncle Bennett would really wear those," their mother, Mrs. Baldwin, said. "I'm sure that when he appears in court, he tries to look serious."

Johanna shook her head. "As serious as this?" she asked, pulling a plain black tie off the rack. She held it away from her as if it gave off a bad odor.

"He should show the judge and jury that he has a good sense of humor," Colin replied. "And here's just the tie he needs to prove it!" He showed his mother a tie covered with pigs wearing wings and halos.

"I was thinking of something like this," Mrs. Baldwin said, reaching for a navy blue tie with thin red stripes. "It's classic."

"It's boring!" Colin asserted.

Johanna didn't like her mother's choice either. "Why do men even wear ties? They don't do anything."

"Don't ask me. My dad was a farmer," Mrs. Baldwin said with a shrug. "He lived in overalls. He never wore ties."

An odd tie display distracted Colin. "Hey, look at these!" he announced, gesturing for his mother and sister to follow him. "These ties have zippers!"

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