Abraham Lincoln, Part 2

Abraham Lincoln lived during a thrilling time. The United States in the 1830s was growing and changing. Changes were happening in Illinois, too. Lincoln earned his law license. He settled in Springfield, the state capital.

Lincoln didn't want to go back to farming. He wanted to help people. He liked being a politician and a lawyer. He felt that he was able to help people.

In 1842, Lincoln married Mary Todd. In 1847, Lincoln was elected to congress for his first and only term. He moved his growing family to Washington, D.C. After serving that term, they moved back to Illinois. Lincoln went back to being a lawyer.

In 1854, Lincoln stepped back into politics. He did so because of the slavery issue. Stephen Douglas was an Illinois senator. He designed a bill. Douglas thought this would help the North and South get along.

Douglas's bill would let Kansas and Nebraska choose whether they wanted to be free or slave states. Lincoln didn't think there should be any slavery in the United States. It was because of his hard work that the Whig party became the Republican Party. Suddenly he found that the whole country was listening to him.

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