Andy's Top

It was gone. There was no doubt about it. Andy had lost his top. It was his favorite top, too. It was bright yellow on top. It had other colors, too. It was really fast. Andy was very upset.

"Did you leave it at school?" Mr. Little asked. Mr. Little was Andy's father.

"No, Dad," Andy said. "I did not leave it at school. I did not take it to school today."

"Did you leave it outside?" Mrs. Little asked. Mrs. Little was Andy's mother.

"No, Mom," Andy said. "I did not leave it outside. I could not find it before I went outside."

"Did you loan it to one of your friends?" Lin asked. Lin was Andy's sister.

"No, I did not loan it to one of my friends. Mike played with it yesterday. He gave it back to me, though."

"Well, I do not have it," Tommy said. Tommy was Andy's little brother.

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