Animals in the Ocean: the Biggest and the Smallest

Caption: A blue whale skeleton on display at the Long Marine Laboratory at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Photo by Bronwen Lea.

The biggest animal in the whole world lives in the ocean. It's the blue whale. In fact, it's the biggest animal that has ever lived. It's bigger than any dinosaur! Some of the world's smallest animals live in the ocean, too. Zooplankton is made up of many kinds of very tiny animals. They drift on the ocean currents. Some kinds of zooplankton are larvae. They will turn into bigger animals like sponges or fish. Some kinds of zooplankton are tiny animals made of only one cell. They will not turn into something bigger. Some kinds of zooplankton are tiny crustaceans. Crustaceans are animals with hard shells like crabs and lobsters. Krill and copepods are two tiny crustaceans. They are the food .....

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